Veronika Seghers
Upcoming performances:
July/August/September 2024: "Jenny" at Cuivilles Theatre & Nymphenburger Castle Munich click here for more info
Dec 2024/Jan 2025: "Papagena" at Opera Nizza click here for more info
Veronika Seghers is a soprano whose passion for music knows no bounds. Fluent in German, Russian, Italian, English, and French, she effortlessly bridges linguistic divides, infusing her performances with a rich tapestry of languages.
Her musical odyssey commenced as a student of opera singing at the Nuremberg Conservatory, where she cultivated her talent from 2014 to 2016. During this period, Veronika's dedication bore fruit, culminating in her winning the first prize in the esteemed "Karel Kunc Lied Competition" in 2016.
Driven by a desire for artistic growth, Veronika sought guidance from distinguished mentors. She received invaluable voice lessons from Giacomo Prestia at the "Accademia di Ridotto" in 2018, enhancing her vocal technique and artistry. Her commitment to excellence earned her recognition, including a prize at the "Immling Festival" competition in 2019 and a scholarship from the esteemed "Hamel Foundation" the same year.
Veronika's quest for musical mastery led her to pursue a Master of Arts (MA) in singing at the esteemed University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna, graduating in 2022 at the age of 23 under the mentorship of opera luminaries Daniela Fally and Ramon Vargas.
One of her first roles was "Serpetta" in "La finta giardiniera," together with the Academy of the Vienna Philharmonics at the age of 20.
Veronika's repertoire showcases her versatility and artistry, from captivating audiences as "Queen of the Night" in "Max und die Superhelden" at the Bavarian State Opera to delivering soul-stirring renditions as "Pamina" at the Bregenz Festival and Bolzano Theater. In 2021 and 2023 she was heard as "Carolina" in "Il matrimonio segreto" at Teatro Regio di Parma and Opera Tenerife. In 2024, Veronika continues to captivate audiences with her performances, from her portrayal of "Jenny" in "La madame blanche" at the Kammeroper Munich to her upcoming role as "Papagena" in "The Magic Flute" at Opera Nizza.
She has agility to spare and a genuine trill. Her diamantine tone was certainly attractive.
Veronika Seghers, possessed of a musical and melodious instrument, is a vocally delightful Carolina. From an interpretative point of view, she convinces thanks to a careful and never affected phrasing, combined with a graceful (...) stage presence. Also noteworthy is the skill and naturalness with which the soprano mentions some dance steps during the show.
Giorgio Panigati
Veronika Seghers, who gives the sweet, naive Barbarina a special charm with her bright soprano.
Ulrike Beitler
She has agility to spare and a genuine trill. Her diamantine tone was certainly attractive.
Veronika Seghers, possessed of a musical and melodious instrument, is a vocally delightful Carolina. From an interpretative point of view, she convinces thanks to a careful and never affected phrasing, combined with a graceful (...) stage presence. Also noteworthy is the skill and naturalness with which the soprano mentions some dance steps during the show.
Giorgio Panigati
Veronika Seghers, who gives the sweet, naive Barbarina a special charm with her bright soprano.
Ulrike Beitler